This is our primary project.
The Nebraska Prairie Museum will be hosting the Museum on Mainstreet Smithsonian Traveling Exhibit "Waterways." This interactive exhibit explores the endless motions of the water cycle, water's effect on landscape, settlement and migration, and its impact on culture and spirituality. This is part of the Smithsonian's Think Water Initiative to raise awareness of water as a critical resource for life through exhibitions, educational resources and public programs
The Nebraska Prairie Museum was chosen by Humanities Nebraska to be one of six museums in Nebraska to host the Waterways exhibit. It will be on display at the Nebraska Prairie Museum from November 15, 2018 through December 21, 2018. It is the only museum south of the Platte River to be selected. Funding is needed to promote and staff the project during the exhibit. The hope is to reach between 500 and 1200 school students, as well as the general public.
The Holdrege Rotary Club would like to provide funding for this project. In addition the Holdrege Rotary Club members will be assisting the Nebraska Prairie Museum during the course of the exhibit.