13-Jul-18 |
by Kenneth Heinz |
System Entry: Creation of project page.
18-Jul-18 |
System Entry |
System Entry: Pledge of $1 by Richard Makau of the Rotary Club of El Cajon Sunset, District 5340.
18-Jul-18 |
System Entry |
System Entry: Project is now "Fully Pledged".
25-Jul-18 |
by Kenneth Heinz |
System Entry: Project sent for club signatures.
25-Jul-18 |
by Kenneth Heinz |
System Entry: Project signed by Kenneth Heinz.
26-Jul-18 |
by Eric Pahlke |
System Entry: Project signed by Eric Pahlke.
28-Jul-18 |
System Entry |
System Entry: Project signed by Richard Makau.
4-Aug-18 |
by Mike Whitehurst |
District 5340 does not have a copy of the Club MOU for your Rotary Club.
Please go to the Documents tab, download the form, titled "Club MOU"and then upload the completed form.
9-Aug-18 |
by Mike Whitehurst |
Please go to the Documents tab, print, sign, and upload the GMS compliance document.
9-Aug-18 |
by Mike Whitehurst |
You may ignore the request for the MOU. I was informed after my request, that it is not necessary for District Grant applications.
9-Aug-18 |
by Mike Whitehurst |
System Entry: Project approved by the District Approval Committee.
19-Aug-18 |
by Mike Whitehurst |
Please go to the Documents tab and print/complete/upload the Bank Information form. WHEN UPLOADING PLEASE CHECK THE BOX FOR RESTRICTED ACCESS.
26-Aug-18 |
by Mike Whitehurst |
Please go to the Documents tab and print/complete/upload the Bank Information form. WHEN UPLOADING PLEASE CHECK THE BOX FOR RESTRICTED ACCESS.
4-Sep-18 |
by Mike Whitehurst |
Please go to the Documents tab and print/complete/upload the Bank Information form. WHEN UPLOADING PLEASE CHECK THE BOX FOR RESTRICTED ACCESS. If the information is the same for other grants, please identify by P-number.
4-Sep-18 |
by Kenneth Heinz |
The bank deposit information was uploaded to the documents folder.
19-Sep-18 |
by Scott Carr |
System Entry: Check for DDF payment issued by Foundation Treasurer.
2-Apr-19 |
by Kenneth Heinz |
We are gathering receipts, cancelled checks, and pictures for our final report and expect to submit before April 20.
22-Apr-19 |
System Entry |
System Entry: Final Report signed by Richard Makau.
22-Apr-19 |
by Kenneth Heinz |
System Entry: Final Report signed by Kenneth Heinz.
22-Apr-19 |
System Entry |
System Entry: Final Report signed by Eric Pahlke.
11-May-19 |
by Mike Whitehurst |
Ken was advised by the RYLA registrar that payment was not required for the last-minute activation of the 4th student.
The total project amount reported is $325 less--$5113.06. This changes the amount due back to district to $395.97 ($233.47 originally reported plus $162.50 for the RYLA registration). Our treasurer will write a check which I will send to the district office.
23-May-19 |
by Mike Whitehurst |
System Entry: Final report approved by the District Approval Committee.