26-Jul-18 |
System Entry |
System Entry: Creation of project page.
1-Aug-18 |
by Mike Whitehurst |
Grant needs to be signed by two club members.
Add names to history log of second signers, including
in box below, add names and email for distribution list.
Go to description page click "start signature process".
4-Aug-18 |
by Mike Whitehurst |
Please select a second club member to sign this.
Go to the History Logs tab of the administration page and add them to the distribution list (second section of the page). Then go back to this page to start the club signature process again.
5-Aug-18 |
by Mike Whitehurst |
Please add a second Club member
5-Aug-18 |
by Mike Whitehurst |
System Entry: Project sent for club signatures.
5-Aug-18 |
System Entry |
System Entry: Project signed by Richard Makau.
9-Aug-18 |
by wanjiru Warama |
System Entry: Project signed by wanjiru Warama.
10-Aug-18 |
by Mike Whitehurst |
System Entry: Project approved by the District Approval Committee.
18-Aug-18 |
by Mike Whitehurst |
Please go to the Documents tab and print/complete/upload the Bank Information form. WHEN UPLOADING PLEASE CHECK THE BOX FOR RESTRICTED ACCESS. If the information is the same for both grants, you only need to submit this form once.
26-Aug-18 |
by Mike Whitehurst |
Please go to the Documents tab and print/complete/upload the Bank Information form. WHEN UPLOADING PLEASE CHECK THE BOX FOR RESTRICTED ACCESS.
31-Aug-18 |
by Richard Makau |
District Grant P2450_P2456 DDF Bank Deposit Information is available at P-2456 document portal as a shared account for both grants.
19-Sep-18 |
by Scott Carr |
System Entry: Check for DDF payment issued by Foundation Treasurer.
8-Apr-19 |
by Richard Makau |
Project is fully implemented. We are collecting documentation (cancelled checks) for final report.
13-Apr-19 |
by wanjiru Warama |
I have uploaded photos but they don't show on the "Photos" page unless I click on the "administration page." Can't figure out what the issue is. Can you help?
Wanjiru Warama
15-Apr-19 |
by Richard Makau |
Uploaded primary school photos with caption and beneficiary appreciation letters. Also, moved bank wire transfer document to "restricted access".
15-Apr-19 |
by wanjiru Warama |
System Entry: Final Report signed by wanjiru Warama.
15-Apr-19 |
System Entry |
System Entry: Final Report signed by Richard Makau.
15-Apr-19 |
by Mike Whitehurst |
System Entry: Final report approved by the District Approval Committee.