
Adaptive Ski Equipment





History Logs

Project Description

Country: USA

Location: McCall (Payette Lakes)

Total Budget: $11,458

Area of Focus: Maternal and child health

Activity Type: Health: General

Summary: Providing adaptive ski equipment to expand winter access to adults and children with physical or cognitive disabilities in McCall and surrounding counties.

Over the past few years, the AWeSOMe! program has expanded with a broader range of students with disabilities. To support this demand the number one need is to purchase new equipment. They currently have dated, used equipment that limits the instructors abilities to efficiently instruct a range of individuals with physical and cognitive disabilities.

The funds will be used for purchasing a DYNAMIQUE BI SKI and a MONIQUE-1 MONO SKI which will allow the program to expand the adaptive winter accessibility to more students. Both skis provide the versatility needed for a wide range of students with physical and/or cognitive diagnoses. The advantage to purchasing the two together is we can share common parts between the two skis allowing them to serve students of all ages, and sizes without having to purchase two sets of Child, Junior, and adult seats/footrest. Both skis create independence and allow the individual to experience the joys of skiing. Virtually any student with a diminished capacity for balance, strength, cognitive understanding, or even psychological fear may possibly benefit from a sit-ski.

The skis will be purchased before the start of the 2019/2020 ski season.

Last season, AWeSOMe! instructed 120 students, both children and adults. From January to mid March, a 10-week lesson program is offered every Saturday. Lessons by appointment during the week. All instructors are volunteer. Several Rotarians and community members are involved in both the instruction and organization of the program.

Project Contact Person

District: 5400

Rotary Club of: McCall (Payette Lakes)

Primary Contact: Eliza Barclay

Email: eliza.donnelly@mac.com

Project Status

This project is "Completed". This means the project has been implemented and the report was accepted by the district leadership. The project will stay listed on this website as a testimony of the achievements of the project partners.

Project listed for the 2019-20 Rotary Year.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





McCall (Payette Lakes) (5400)









Project Supporting Documents

Project Photos

History Log Entries


System Entry

System Entry: Creation of project page.


by Eliza Barclay

System Entry: Project sent for club signatures.


by Eliza Barclay

System Entry: Project signed by Eliza Barclay.


by Eliza Barclay

System Entry: Project signed by Stephanie Nelson.


by Ines Crespo

System Entry: Project approved by the District Approval Committee.


by T. J. Adams

System Entry: Check for DDF payment issued by Foundation Treasurer.


by Eliza Barclay

Copy of McCall Rotary Club Matching Funds Check to AWeSOMe; uploaded photos from our McCall Ball Fundraiser which they supported and a photo of the Adaptive Skis purchased with the grant.


by Marianne Barker

The deadline for your final report is May 15, 2020. Please complete the final report (you'll find the form on the administration side of the description tab in your grant), making sure that your expenses match the receipts you’ve provided to the penny, and that your revenue matches your expenses. Upload the report as a pdf to the documents area of your grant. When everything is uploaded, click on "reported" on the administration side of the description tab. Thank you! Call Ines Crespo if you have questions, (208) 320-8494.


by Eliza Barclay

System Entry: Project has been implemented and final report uploaded.


by Bob Rose

I have audited this project and I don't approve it. The District Check was deposited in the McCall Rotary bank account. The club needs to provide a copy of a check from the club to Awesome in the amount of $4,958.


by Bob Rose

Thank you for adding check # 1248 ($4,958)to your documents. I have re-audited this project and I approve it.


by Ines Crespo

System Entry: Final report approved by the District Approval Committee.

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