Project Description
Country: Kenya
Location: Machakos
Total Budget:
Areas of Focus: Peacebuilding and conflict prevention, Basic education and literacy
Activity Type:
Education: Literacy
Summary: Teaching knitting and crocheting to at-risk youth – Kenya.
1. PROJECT: This project will provide funding to Paul Mue Foundation (PMF) for the purpose of setting up classes that teach at-risk young girls, age 10 - 17 knitting and crocheting. PMF is a grassroot licensed Non-Governmental-Organization (NGO) in Kenya. Knitting is a lifelong skill that will benefit the young girls as they mature. The skill will help the girls make knitted items like sweaters, gloves, hats for themselves, family or use the skill for gainful employment at older age. This project will benefit a minimum of 60 girls at Katani center, Malia Orphanage and AIC Kwa Mumama in Kenya. The process will include mentorship and team building that will improve the girl's interpersonal skills.
Project Contact Person
Project Status
This project is "Completed". This means the project has been implemented and the report was accepted by the district leadership. The project will stay listed on this website as a testimony of the achievements of the project partners.
Project listed for the 2020-21 Rotary Year.