
Ruby Falls Play Equipment





History Logs

Project Description

Country: USA

Location: McCall

Total Budget: $6,050

Areas of Focus: Maternal and child health, Basic education and literacy

Activity Type: Education: General

Summary: Purchase and installation of a new ADA accessible 'Ruby Fall' playground element within Brown Park, McCall

The existing Brown Park playground equipment installed with donations and volunteer help nearly 30 years ago, now does not meet ADA accessibility or safety standards, and can no longer be safely maintained. The need for Brown Park playground improvements was first identified as a priority by community members during the creation of the McCall Parks and Recreation Master Plan and confirmed by a 2017 online and social media effort to gain public input into the design and priorities for Brown park. The 3rd Grade Class at Barbara Morgan Elementary helped select the preferred new playground design which includes opportunities for interactive play like those provided by the Ruby Falls playground component.

The Ruby Falls play element will provide youth and families with a unique and educational experience and positively contribute to the greater shoreline, pathway and access improvements to Brown Park. In addition it will be ADA compliant and will help children learn about hydrology by demonstrating changes to water flow through a play element.

Removal of the existing failing playground equipment will occur as soon as the snow allows in spring/summer 2021 with grading and site work to follow in summer months. All playground equipment, including the Ruby Falls play element will be installed fall 2021.

The project funds will be used to assist in the purchase of the Ruby Falls Play Element. See budget information. Rotarians will participate in the in-kind work with the Parks Department in completing site prep and installation.

Project Contact Person

District: 5400

Rotary Club of: McCall (Payette Lakes)

Primary Contact: Eliza Donnelly

Email: eliza.donnelly@mac.com

Project Status

This project is "Completed". This means the project has been implemented and the report was accepted by the district leadership. The project will stay listed on this website as a testimony of the achievements of the project partners.

Project listed for the 2021-22 Rotary Year.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





McCall (Payette Lakes) (5400)









Project Supporting Documents

Project Photos

History Log Entries


by Eliza Donnelly

The budget indicates that the play equipment will cost $10,893, the Parks department will pay $5,363 and the grant would be for $5,500. I only included the grant amount in the budget information.


by Marianne Barker

Club projects are compiled by D5400 into a block grant application to The Rotary Foundation that we submit around the 1st of July. We will not hear back from TRF for several weeks if our grant is approved. Be sure to confirm with the City of McCall that the equipment to be purchased with this grant, if approved, cannot be ordered until after the grant is approved. It is a TRF restriction that grant recipients can't be reimbursed for expenses incurred prior to the approval of a grant. If the city has already ordered the equipment or can't wait till your hear about the approval of your grant, your club may wish to choose another project.


by Marianne Barker

To be considered, a club's application for a grant will need to have the signatures of both the primary contact person (Eliza) and the 2021-22 club president. On the administration side of the History Log page of the grant, please add the name and email address of your incoming president to the distribution list. Thank you!


by Eliza Donnelly

System Entry: Creation of project page.


by Eliza Donnelly

I am adding Anette Spickard for signatures as she is our incoming club president. I confirmed with the grant applicant that the equipment can be ordered/paid for after the grant is approved. They can secure with a deposit from the City of McCall.


by Eliza Donnelly

System Entry: Project sent for club signatures.


by Eliza Donnelly

System Entry: Project signed by Eliza Barclay.


by Eliza Donnelly

I had indicated in a previous history log that the City of McCall's share of the play equipment was $5,363. It is actually $5,393. Total cost of the play equipment is $10,893 as shown in the budget information.


System Entry

System Entry: Project signed by Anette Spicka.


by Ines Crespo

The Rotary Foundation approved the District Block Grant on July 23. Your project is approved. Having more money available than requested, the committee is increasing the DDF for your project. Your financing has been edited to $3,300 of DDF. Signatures have been canceled. You may reduce your club amount or keep it the same. Then send again for signatures. Changes will be reviewed by the committee before final approval and notification of award. If you have any questions, please contact Ines Crespo at (208) 320-8494 or ines@glassinbalance.com.


by Ines Crespo

System Entry: Signature Process cancelled by user.


by Eliza Donnelly

This project is in progress. The club funds were issued as a deposit for the play equipment and the equipment will be purchased once the district funds are issued. I will upload a copy of the club check in the coming weeks and some photos of the area where the play equipment will be installed.


by Ines Crespo

System Entry: Project sent for club signatures.


System Entry

System Entry: Project signed by Eliza Barclay.


System Entry

System Entry: Project signed by Anette Spicka.


by Ines Crespo

System Entry: Project approved by the District Approval Committee.


by Marianne Barker

System Entry: Check for DDF payment issued by Foundation Treasurer.


by Ines Crespo

Has this project been completed? Reminder that your progress or final report is due by May 15, 2022. Please reach out to District Grants Chair, Ines Crespo, at ines@glassinbalance.com or 208-320-8494 with any questions. Thank you!


by Eliza Donnelly

The playground piece associated has been ordered with a delayed delivery until April 01 to avoid having to store it all winter. The remainder of the main playground components were delivered last month and the installer will be here in early May to finish installing everything. Goal is to have everything done by Memorial weekend!


by Ines Crespo

Thank you for the update. Please upload your final report and supporting documents as soon as this project is complete. If you have any questions reach out to Ines Crespo at ines@glassinbalance.com or (208) 320-8494.


by Eliza Donnelly

This project is still in progress. Due to supply chain delays and late April snow the Ruby Falls Play Equipment will be installed later than expected - new estimate is a late May installation. I will file my final report as soon as the project is complete.


by Marianne Barker

Per your progress report in April, this project would be completed in May. What is the status of the project, and if completed, please file your final report along with corroborating receipts/documents as needed. Thank you!


by Eliza Donnelly

System Entry: Project has been implemented and final report uploaded.


by Bob Rose

I have audited this project and I approve it.


by Marianne Barker

System Entry: Final report approved by the District Approval Committee.

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