The Snowdon Wildlife Sanctuary (SWS) "Wild about Wildlife!" Education Program will provide hands-on opportunities to help elementary students and faculty learn about the unique wildlife and ecosystems existing in the West Central Mountains of Idaho, bordering the Payette National Forest and Frank Church Wilderness. The program will provide funding for a SWS intern and manager to visit four elementary schools, in and around McCall, to educate students about area wildlife and birds. The $700 will be used to create the Learning Trunks ($400) and transportation to the schools ($300). The SWS pays their own staff.
Misconceptions and lack of knowledge can negatively impact the development of children's attitudes toward wildlife stewardship. This program uses a best-practice approach to foster safe and responsible interaction with wildlife, and provide a leadership platform to empower students and teachers to inform and inspire a future generation of environmental stewards. The program will include:
● Selected use of six unique SWS "Wild about Wildlife" learning trunks to provide a hands-on learning experience for elementary students and teachers. Specific trunks are designed to provide an interactive wildlife learning experience focusing on native wildlife species:
○ Bears
○ Owls
○ Corvids (ravens, crows, jays, magpies)
○ Canids (wolves, coyotes, foxes)
○ Diurnal Birds of Prey
○ Mustelids (wolverine, weasels, badgers, otters)
● Presentation of curriculum materials supporting each learning experience. On-site SWS staff presentation in coordination with elementary school faculty. Includes assistance in planning for an age-appropriate program that demonstrates what has been learned and/or shares good wildlife stewardship practices with others. Rotarians will be available to assist in program.
Both students and faculty will be provided with a hands-on wildlife learning experience which will provide presentation attendees with a better understanding of the unique wildlife and ecosystems surrounding our community. It is anticipated that the presentations will reinforce positive attitudes towards wildlife and ecosystems stewardship through individual and group actions.
The project will begin in Fall of 2022 and finish in Spring of 2023.
Addendum to Project Description (added after the project was signed)
Rotarians will assist putting together Learning Trunks as well as serve as assistants during the school presentations.