This project would purchase a computer for the Shepherd's Home in McCall. This computer
will be used by the residents to increase their skills and give them opportunities that other children would have in a normal home environment. The Shepard's Home relies solely on donations and this computer will assist the residents to be more successful in their ability to excel in their schoolwork. The Valley County community has experienced rapid growth; the demand for Shepherd's Home services has increased. Presently, the home provides a safe and loving home to children who are victims of abuse,neglect or crisis. Current programs for the residents help them adopt healthy habits and be successful and provide a new road map for life after residence in the home. This computer would be an excellent addition to the Home and assist the residents by increasing their technological skills. The Shepard's Home nurtures and protects children in need by providing a loving family home. They serve publicly or privately placed children of all ages. A trained and compassionate team values each child, offers unconditional love, and encourages in each child a sense of self worth.