
Four way test book project





History Logs

Project Description

Country: USA

Location: Baker City, Oregon

Total Budget: $1,818

Area of Focus: Basic education and literacy

Activity Type: Education: Literacy

Summary: Books for kids

We will order and pay for books and then distribute them class by class to local kids. Once books are received we will have members take them to classrooms and read the book to the class and hand out a book and a book marker to each kid in each class we read too! We will also hang four way test posters in hallways and or classrooms as we obtain permission.

Things I love most about it.

1. Will get members interacting with the kids in the schools.

2. Gets kids a book to take home!

3. Introduces kids AND their parents that read to them to Rotary values!

I've prepared an order already, but I'm confirming the shipping timeframe before I submit it.


Addendum to Project Description (added after the project was signed)

This application replaces P-4695 - ping pong in the park. The Rotary Foundation approved the pivot to this project.

Project Contact Person

District: 5400

Rotary Club of: Baker City

Primary Contact: Ken Krohn

Email: ken_kro@msn.com

Project Status

This project is "Completed". This means the project has been implemented and the report was accepted by the district leadership. The project will stay listed on this website as a testimony of the achievements of the project partners.

Project listed for the 2023-24 Rotary Year.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Baker City (5400)









Project Supporting Documents

Bc rotary book

final report pdf


Newspaper 2

Project Photos

History Log Entries


System Entry

System Entry: Creation of project page.


by Marianne Barker

System Entry: Project sent for club signatures.


System Entry

System Entry: Project signed by Ken Krohn.


System Entry

System Entry: Project signed by Anthony Bailey.


by Marianne Barker

System Entry: Project approved by the District Approval Committee.


by Ken Krohn

Have all materials in our possession. We began the project today at four different schools. Should be able to be complete no later than the end of this month.


by Marianne Barker

System Entry: Check for DDF payment issued by Foundation Treasurer.


by Ken Krohn

Today we finished this project. We went to these schools and gave a book and a four way test bookmark to each fourth grader and read the book to the group. I will list the name of each Rotary member that participated at each of the schools. We also gave a poster of the four way test to each of the schools listed and presented a hardback edition to the public and school libraries in our county.

I invited our local newspaper to attend and they are doing a story about this project and I will upload a copy when that comes out.

Haines elementary- Krohn, Miles, Hauser

Haines Mennonite Christian school- Krohn and Miles

Keating elementary school- Hauser

Baker Seventh Day Adventist school- Krohn

Harvest Church Christian school- Krohn

South Baker Intermediate School- Krohn (4 classes)


by Marianne Barker

Great to hear your club jumped right in, making this pivot to its original application. Sounds like you are ready for a final report. Please upload your receipts as pdf's to the documents tab and complete your final report. The final report form can be downloaded from the administration side of the description tab. Your expenses you report should be matched by your receipts. When you've uploaded your report and receipts, click "reported" on the administration side of the documents tab. Thank you!


by Ken Krohn

System Entry: Project has been implemented and final report uploaded.


by Christine Huot

Thank you for submitting the final report. On the final report the two totals do not match. It appears that you omitted the shipping costs. Could you please correct that so we can close this grant.


by Christine Huot

Thank you for uploading the necessary documents. The committee found them complete so this grant will now be closed. Always good to get books in the hands of children. Congratulations.


by Christine Huot

System Entry: Final report approved by the District Approval Committee.

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