Two years ago the Holdrege Rotary Club, in partnership with the Phelps County Ministerial Association, hosted its first MobilePack for Feed My Starving Children.
Last year 1,000 volunteers packed 233,280 meals which were shipped to Managua, Nicaragua
This year our goal is to raise $59,875.20 in order to pack 272,280 life-saving meals.
Feed My Starving Children (FMSC)is a Christian non-profit founded in 1987. FMSC tackles world hunger by sending volunteer-packed, nutritious meals to an estimated 70 countries, where they are used to operate orphanages, schools, clinics and feeding programs to break the cycle of poverty and hunger. Last year the charity welcomed 657,000 volunteers to pack 163 million meals in 33 states. FMSC spends 92% of total donations directly on feeding the hungry and has maintained the highest four-star ranking from Charity Navigator for eight consecutive years.
The Holdrege Rotary Club and the Phelps County Ministerial Association have been successful in raising money and providing volunteers in order to host two events. The outpouring of money and time has been incredible in our area.
The 2014 Mobile-Pack will take place on July 25 & 26 at the Phelps County Ag Building in Holdrege, Nebraska. Packing the specific number of meals designated for 2014 will allow the Holdrege Rotary Club to designate which country they would like the Mobile-Pack to be sent.
MobilePacks enable children and adults to participate in global work. In Phelps County, church and civic groups as well as, youth groups, schools and families join forces in teamwork and unity in order to make a real difference in the problem of hunger. FMSC provides guidance and logistics while the donors and volunteers provide funds and labor to produce the meals.
The Holdrege Rotary Club and the Phelps County Ministerial Association are confident that the remaining needed funds will be raised within our county based on contributions from previous years.