The Puerto Plata Rotary club has formed in the community of La Colorada a Rotary Community Corps (RCC) which has executed numerous projects over the past 3 years. La Colorada is rural and has 213 families (aprox. 1,100 residents). 70% of the families earn at or below $US 125 per month, essentially all income must be used solely for basic subsistence. There are an additional 4 neighboring communities (Los Cacaos, Las Avispas, Saballo and La Grua) with an additional 790 families (Aprox. 3,950 people) that have similar socio economic conditions. The RCC of La Colorada has assisted these and other communities within the region in point of use safe water interventions, school water projects, school roofing project and community center constructions. The Vero Beach Sunrise Rotary Club in Conjunction with the Puerto Plata Rotary Club and Projects Las Americas hasbrought dentists and hygienist for the past two years conducting dentistry in the community of La Colorada, patients from other communities were also bussed in and treated. The need for improved preventative and dental treatment is urgent, this is the case for much of the Dominican and Haitian population living in the Dominican Republic.
Low income people cannot afford basic dental care. Cleanings, extractions and fillings average about $25 per procedure,which would be 20% of the majority of these families monthly income. Health for the poor is often a discretionary expense. In addition traveling to and from Puerto Plata is an additional expense. None of these communities even have a dentist. If just every person had just two cleanings in a year the cost would be two hundred and fifty thousand dollars per year. In the long run it is necessary to modify behavior via education and repetitive reinforcement particularly with the
children. In addition dental procedures are necessary so as to fulfill basic dental necessities and the equipment to fulfill the task.
Organizational Assets:
Fundación Ir Ver Y Hacer Inc. Is a community based Dominican Non Profit located in the village of La Colorada. The foundation is comprised of basically the same members and leadership as the Rotary Community Corps. The foundation will be the owner of the equipment and take responsibility for clearing all equipment through Dominican customs. They have effectively cleared several sea land containers and a school bus over the past few years. RC Puerto Plata - Members with extensive experience with medical and dental operatives. Members of this club have managed dozens of Matching Grants and one 2M dollar Rotary 3-H Grant. RCC- La Colorada has 35 members. RCC is well organized into comities including education, construction, water and health. They have constructed a community center and have assigned a building to be a community health center. The RCC has constructed 17 houses 3 community centers and three aqueducts, they have conducted numerous dental and health operatives, conducted community training in agriculture and sewing. They have also in conjunction with the Puerto Plata Rotary club a Rotary Interact club. Youth of the community are actively engaged in all constructions and
environmental initiatives. Project Las Americas - US and Dominican Non Profit, provide continued community support with personnel and economic resources. Has volunteer staff of 15 with extensive community oriented projects including education,empowerment, construction and safe water. Project Las Americas will commit to funding one dentist one day per week in the clinic and seek additional volunteer support from dentists and other institutions domestically. Vero Beach Sunrise Rotary Club - has directly supported projects with the Puerto Plata Rotary Club and Project Las Americas for over 5 years, including BioSand filters, aqueducts, reading and two international dental operatives in La Colorada. VBS will commit to organizing at least one dental groups in support of the project. Cleburne TX Rotary Club and Southwestern Adventist University has over 25 years been bringing medical teams to the North Coast of the Dominican Republic with both medical staff and students. They will commit to bringing dental staffto operate dental clinics at least once a year.
Physical Assets:
Secure concrete 3 room building assigned as community health center A 57 Passenger school bus donated by the Vero Beach Sunrise Rotary Club. Bus is to be used to transport patients to and from other communities.
Dental equipment will be provided to the community foundation Ir Ver y Hacer Inc. (a Dominican Non-Profit established in La Colorada) and the Rotary Community Corps of La Colorada, Dominican Republic. The community will provide a facility to operate a fixed dental clinic. The clinic will operate one day a week to provide dental care to La
Colorada and surrounding rural communities. The proposed equipment will be portable in nature so as to relocate to other communities on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic as dental teams both domestically and internationally are available to better utilize the equipment.
Additionally, dental hygiene promoters will be trained to make family and school visits to educate and promote better oral hygiene facilitating positive behavioral changes.