
Integrating Coding, AI and Rob





History Logs

Project Description

Region: Asia

Country: Nepal

Location: Lalitpur

Total Budget: $130,000

Area of Focus: Basic education and literacy

In the rapidly evolving digital age, the realm of Coding, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics has become an important subject for everyone to understand. To prepare students for the future job market, it is essential for them to develop these skills that offers immense opportunities for innovation and problem-solving. Worldwide, schools are introducing these subjects to their students from an early age. This project aims to integrate these skills into the school curriculum, providing students with the knowledge and hands-on experience they need to thrive in a technology-driven world. The students will have exposure to concept framing, innovation and problem-solving that will enhance their academic performance. The blended teaching & learning approach of the Coding, AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Robotics will encourage young students to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education that is crucial to meet the needs of a changing world.

Advantages of Learning AI and Robotics for Kids:

1. Develop an interest in STEM & 21st Century Skills

2. Get exposed to future technologies

3. Boost mental capabilities to develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills

4. Accelerate holistic development

5. Become active contributor not passive users of technology

6. Gain better career opportunities


1. Enhance Computational Thinking:

Teach students the fundamentals of coding to improve their problem-solving and analytical skills.

2. Introduce AI Concepts:

Provide students with a basic understanding of AI and its applications in various fields.

3. Hands-on Robotics Experience:

Engage students in building and programming robots to foster creativity and teamwork.

4. Prepare for Future Careers:

Equip students with the skills required for careers in technology and engineering.

5. Encourage Innovation:

Inspire students to develop innovative solutions to real-world problems using technology.


This project will be implemented in 10 public schools in phases across different grade levels, from 8TH to high school. The curriculum will be designed to be age-appropriate and progressively more challenging. Altogether 40 teachers trained to integrate and impart teaching to more than 2500 students.


1. Curriculum Development

a. Collaborate with educators, industry experts, and curriculum developers to create a comprehensive syllabus.

b. Integrate coding, AI, and robotics modules into existing subjects such as mathematics, science, and computer studies.

c. Develop project-based learning activities and assessments.

2. Teacher Training

a. Provide professional development workshops for teachers to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge.

b. Create an online resource hub with teaching materials, tutorials, and support forums.

3. Classroom Implementation

a. Start with pilot programs in select schools to refine the curriculum and teaching methods.

b. Gradually roll out the program to more schools based on feedback and results from the pilot phase.

c. Use a blended learning approach combining online resources, classroom instruction, and hands-on activities.

4. Student Engagement

a. Organize coding clubs, robotics competitions, and AI hackathons to encourage participation and enthusiasm.

b. Partner with local tech companies and universities to provide mentorship and internship opportunities.

5. Evaluation and Feedback

a. Regularly assess student progress through quizzes, projects, and competitions.

b. Collect feedback from students, teachers, and parents to continually improve the program.

c. Monitor long-term outcomes such as interest in STEM careers and academic performance.

Project Sustainability

- The STEM teaching learning process in each school under this project will be for initial 3 years.

- Starting 4th year, the schools together with the local government will carry on this STEM teaching learning process.

Project Location

10 public schools Lalitpur District of Nepal.

Primary Host Partner

District: 3292

Rotary Club of: Yala

Primary Contact: Dinesh Lal Shrestha

Email: shrestha.ds@gmail.com

Primary International Partner

We are looking for a Club partner. Click here to pledge support for this project. Recording a pledge will make you the Primary International Partner for this project.

Project Status

Need $129,500
This project needs to receive some pledges to go to the next level. Please check the "Financing" tab to see the list of current pledges. Once the amount pledged is equal to the project budget, the status of the project will be automatically changed to "Fully Pledged".
Click here to pledge support for this project.

Project listed for the 2024-25 Rotary Year.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Yala (3292)





Remaining Amount to Raise

Additional Club Contribution (Needed) - Add a contribution




Amount Requested from The Rotary Foundation






Note: as of July 1, 2015 there is a 5% additional support fee for cash contributions. This fee does not appear in the financials above because it does not apply if the funds are sent directly to the project account (without going through TRF, and therefore without Paul Harris credit). Clubs sending their cash contribution to TRF must be aware they will have to send an additional 5%.

Project Supporting Documents

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Project Photos

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History Log Entries


System Entry

System Entry: Creation of project page.

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