
Café Con Bienestar





History Logs

Project Description

Region: Central America

Country: Colombia

Location: Armenia

Total Budget: $33,637

Area of Focus: Disease prevention and treatment

To expand, reinforce, and support a health brigade that is being implemented in a small way by the Federation of Coffee Growers-Committee of Coffee Growers in Quindio.

They are visiting rural areas that have no hospitals or small clinics to attend to; therefore, providing this type of service becomes essential for well-being, health (including dentistry), and environmental education for ecological balance.

The Committee of Coffee Producers in Quindio has been trying to help these areas to ensure the habitants have the best possible existence to be productive to themselves and the local economy.

The local agents of the Committee of Coffee Producers try to be pro-active in the rural farming areas to supply some sort of revisionary needs as mentioned beforehand. This has proved difficult because of the lack of equipment necessary for doctors to perform their examinations on the elderly, adults and children living in those areas.

We intend to supply the necessary equipment for the doctors, training in health care for the inhabitants, for dentists to perform their examinations and/or procedures, training from fire-fighters on best practices to avoid incendiaries and help the environment ecologically.

The local agents of the Committee of Coffee Producers try to be pro-active in the rural farming areas to supply some sort of revisionary needs as mentioned beforehand. This has proved difficult because of the lack of equipment necessary for doctors to perform their examinations on the elderly, adults and children living in those areas.

We intend to supply the necessary equipment for the doctors, training in health care for the inhabitants, for dentists to perform their examinations and/or procedures, training from fire-fighters on best practices to avoid incendiaries and help the environment ecologically.

Twelve municipalities are in the Department of Quindio, all of which have rural areas remote from the city of Armenia. With the new equipment, the number of people being examined will rise from four hundred to an estimated one thousand two hundred fifty inhabitants who will benefit from these visits.

The National Federation of Coffee Growers in Colombia-The Committee of Coffee Growers in Quindio will continue with the work that they started now that they have the equipment that allows the professionals to do the job properly. A letter of commitment has been supplied.

The community is very involved in all aspects of help provided by the Federation, and together, they are committed to working as a team to achieve a better living standard across the board. They also have tremendous confidence in RI and our club through previously successful G.G.s.

Primary Host Partner

District: 4281

Rotary Club of: Armenia International

Primary Contact: Trevor Birt

Email: trevoredwinbirt@hotmail.com

Primary International Partner

District: 7040

Rotary Club of: Kingston

Primary Contact: Carol Cartier

Email: cartierca@hotmail.com

Project Status

Need $4,437
This project needs to receive some pledges to go to the next level. Please check the "Financing" tab to see the list of current pledges. Once the amount pledged is equal to the project budget, the status of the project will be automatically changed to "Fully Pledged".
Click here to pledge support for this project.

Project listed for the 2024-25 Rotary Year.

The TRF Grant application number is #2570215.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Armenia International (4281)





Kingston (7040)





Gananoque (7040)





Gananoque (7040)





Remaining Amount to Raise

Additional Club Contribution (Needed) - Add a contribution




Amount Requested from The Rotary Foundation






Note: as of July 1, 2015 there is a 5% additional support fee for cash contributions. This fee does not appear in the financials above because it does not apply if the funds are sent directly to the project account (without going through TRF, and therefore without Paul Harris credit). Clubs sending their cash contribution to TRF must be aware they will have to send an additional 5%.

Project Supporting Documents

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Project Photos

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History Log Entries


by Carol Cartier

System Entry: Creation of project page.


by Carol Cartier

System Entry: Pledge of $2,000 by Bruce Higgs of the Rotary Club of Gananoque, District 7040.


by Carol Cartier

System Entry: Pledge of $2,000 by Bruce Higgs of the Rotary Club of Gananoque, District 7040.

© 2010 Philippe Lamoise - Website design by Philippe Lamoise, D2G Online