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   Philippines - Bacolod City

Electrification In Malingin


Electrification in Malingin, Negros. Malingin in Negros Occidental does not have a proper and safe electrification. The existing bamboo electrical post with jury-rigged wires was knocked down by a typhoon, taking a life of a child and a water bufalo. The people in the small farming village in Malingin, Bacolod City are the beneficiaries of the project.

Bacolod City- Rotary Club of Bacolod East will manage the money and see that it is used properly. The Central Negros Electic Cooperation will maintain this project.

The Rotary Club of Bacolod of Bacolod East will open an account in the local bank to serve as the depository of the fund which will be sent for the project. The Club will account for every single centavo of the amount received for the project by producing the proper receipts to be ready for the report after the implementation of the project.

To maintain an open communication with the International partner a special page will be provided in the website. All phases of the implementation of the project on a monthly basis. The club will request a monthly letter and picture of the project and the International Partner will be invited to visit the project.

Primary Host Partner in the Project Country

Club: Bacolod East

District: 3850

Primary Contact: Alberto Arceo III


Check all projects from: [District 3850] [Bacolod East Rotary Club] [Alberto Arceo III]

Primary International Partner Outside the Project Country

Club: San Diego Paradise Valley

District: 5340

Primary Contact: Rameo Villanueva


Check all projects from: [District 5340] [San Diego Paradise Valley Rotary Club] [Rameo Villanueva]

Proposed Financing

Primary Host Sponsor Rotary Club/District

Rotary Club of Bacolod East


Primary International Sponsor Rotary Club/District

Rotary Club of San Diego Paradise Valley


District 5340 DDF


Amount requested from the Rotary Foundation




Status and Progress Information


This project is completed. Project listed for the 2009-10 Rotary Year.

The Matching Grant application number from TRF is #71000.

The TRF Staff in charge of this grant is Janna Glucksman (

<12-Feb-09> System Entry
Creation of project page.

<26-May-09> System Entry
Project carried over to the 2009-10 Rotary Year.

<27-Jun-09> by Susan Thorning
DGSC review shows that grant is incomplete in terms of funding and paperwork.

<10-Jul-09> by Susan Thorning
Application is ready for signatures. Please provide a copy of any bids obtained in the preparation of the application. These will need to be submitted with the application.

<14-Jul-09> by Susan Thorning
Committee members for International committee have been changed to current officers.

<15-Jul-09> by Alberto Arceo III
Committee members for Host Club have been changed to current officers.

<22-Jul-09> System Entry
Grant paperwork sent to The Rotary Foundation.

<4-Aug-09> System Entry
TRF Grant Number assigned: 71,000.

<19-Aug-09> by Susan Thorning
Checklist response sent. Verifying budget and converting application funding to new exchange rate.

<21-Aug-09> by Susan Thorning
Budget clarification requested as info submitted is lower than grant request amount. This does however meet the minimum requirement for TRF Grant.

<28-Aug-09> by Susan Thorning
Revised budget and funding pages accepted. Checklist is now complete and application is in the cue pending final review and approval. Due to the number of grants submitted, there is no guarantee that funding will occur.

<21-Sep-09> System Entry
Grant approved by The Rotary Foundation.

<11-Jan-10> by Susan Thorning
Confirmation that all the requirements from the Rotary Club of Bacolod-East were received by TRF on October 1, 2009 received from Alberto III Arceo

<20-Jan-10> by Susan Thorning
Santa Leal at the Rotary Foundation will be able to forward this grant for payment once she receives a copy of the Agreement Form signed by the 2009-2010 President of RC San Diego-Paradise Valley.

<1-Feb-10> by Susan Thorning confirmed that all documents have been received and the grant was forwarded for payment laast week. Please watch project account for receipt of wire funds.

<2-Feb-10> by Susan Thorning
Janna Glucksman has been assigned as your new staff contact. Her contact information has been emailed to the committee.

<16-Feb-10> by Dgsc
TRF staff contact Janna GLuckman has requested a new payee form completed with only the information needed to get the funds wired to the project account in the Phillipines.

<16-Feb-10> by Alberto Arceo III
New Payee Information Form has been filled up and emailed to Janna Glucksman.

<15-Mar-10> by Susan Thorning
Payment has been authorized and should show up in the project account over the next 2 to 4 weeks.

<16-Mar-10> by Alberto Arceo III
$11,654 (equivalent to P559,392.10) has been wire transferred to and received in the account of MG 71000

<16-Oct-10> by Alberto Arceo III
Project has been implemented. Final Report to be submitted to The Rotary Foundation soon.

<11-May-11> by Alberto Arceo III
Final Report submitted to RI. However, not a single cent from the Matching Grant was spent as the electrification project was paid for by another organization. A change of scope was thus submitted to RI which was approved in Feb. 2011. Matching Grant will be used to provide a mini rice mill, solar dryer, and piglets for hog raising. Beneficiaries will still be the families living in the village of Malingin. Project is on-going.

<17-Oct-11> System Entry
Grant status changed to "Completed".