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   India - Kolkata

Healing Little Heart


To provide heart surgeries for little children from poor income families. Thousands of children in India are born with a hole in the heart and unless this anomaly is addressed through surgery the child cannot live beyond a few years. Surgery however can ensure a healthy and long life to the child. The fear of loss of life of the children plunge the poor family into darkness and the only ray of hope is surgery which is beyond the capacity of these poor families. The cost of surgery is $ 1500 to $ 3000 depending on the complication whereas the average income of such families is about $ 50 – 70 per month. Surgery therefore, is impossible for them without help from us. We have negotiated with hospitals to bring down the cost of surgery to Rs (INR) 50,000/- equivalent to $ 1086 per patient. The project envisages heart surgeries for 44 children over a period of 12 – 15 months.

Primary Host Partner in the Project Country

Club: Calcutta-Mahanagar

District: 3291

Primary Contact: Rita Jhawar


Check all projects from: [District 3291] [Calcutta-Mahanagar Rotary Club] [Rita Jhawar]

Primary International Partner Outside the Project Country

Club: Woodstock-Oxford

District: 7080

Primary Contact: PDG Doug Vincent


Check all projects from: [District 7080] [Woodstock-Oxford Rotary Club] [PDG Doug Vincent]

Proposed Financing

Primary Host Sponsor Rotary Club/District

Rotary Club of Calcutta-Mahanagar


Primary International Sponsor Rotary Club/District

Rotary Club of Woodstock-Oxford


District 7080 DDF


Additional Rotary Clubs/Districts

District 3260 DDF


District 3120 DDF


Amount requested from the Rotary Foundation




Status and Progress Information


This project is completed. Project listed for the 2010-11 Rotary Year.

The Matching Grant application number from TRF is #75273.

The TRF Staff in charge of this grant is Colleen O'Donnell (

<25-Jun-10> System Entry
Creation of project page.

<4-Jul-10> by Deepak Choudhury
The application is uploaded.

<27-Jul-10> System Entry
Pledge of $1,300 by Hajra Wilson of the Rotary Club of Cambridge North, District 7080.

<27-Jul-10> System Entry
Pledge of $1,300 by Hajra Wilson of the Rotary Club of Cambridge North, District 7080.

<13-Sep-10> System Entry
Pledge of $1,500 by Doug Vincent of the Rotary Club of Woodstock-Oxford, District 7080.

<23-Sep-10> System Entry
Pledge of $2,000 by Terry Hemsworth of the Rotary Club of Meaford, District 6330.

<1-Oct-10> System Entry
Pledge of $3,000 by Janet Gray of the Rotary Club of Palgrave, District 7080.

<1-Oct-10> System Entry
Pledge of by Hajra Wilson of the Rotary Club of Cambridge North, District 7080.

<1-Oct-10> by Deepak Choudhury
Trying to correct Cambridge North pledge info

<29-Nov-10> System Entry
Pledge of $300 by Hajra Wilson of the Rotary Club of Cambridge North Club# 4693, District 7080.

<8-Dec-10> System Entry
Pledge of $1,550 by John Zinkie of the Rotary Club of Burlington North, District 7080.

<13-Jan-11> System Entry
Pledge of $6,317 by John Zinkie of the Rotary Club of Burlington North, District 7080.

<31-Mar-11> System Entry
Grant paperwork sent to The Rotary Foundation.

<3-Jun-11> System Entry
TRF Grant Number assigned: 75,273.

<2-Sep-11> System Entry
Grant approved by The Rotary Foundation.

<2-Aug-12> System Entry
Grant status changed to "Completed".

<2-Aug-12> by PDG Doug Vincent
Closure letter received, dated May 8, 2012. Thanks to everyone for their time and effort to make such a significant difference in the lives of these children. We were pleased to meet some of the patients and doctors during our recent travels to India and I hope that we can continue working together to help others in need. PDG Doug