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   India - Ludhiana

Polio Corrective Surgery


The grant budget will be used to conduct Polio corrective surgeries for about 400 patients. The operative costs, medicines, post operative care will be around $80 per patient. The operations will be held in two charitable hospitals in Ludhiana that received aid from Rotary in the past. The hospitals will provide the necessary infrastructure and paramediacl staff. The OPD and subsequent operations will be carried by a leading doctor of the country, an expert in the field, Dr. Adi Narayan Rao from Vizag, India.

This project will benefit people who are affected by Polio and are leading a miserable life. This project will benefit the community in ad great way in the true spirit of Rotary and its concern for Polio.

Primary Host Partner in the Project Country

Club: Ludhiana Central

District: 3070

Primary Contact: Harish Singla


Check all projects from: [District 3070] [Ludhiana Central Rotary Club] [Harish Singla]

Primary International Partner Outside the Project Country

Club: Torrey Pines (La Jolla)

District: 5340

Primary Contact: Philippe Lamoise


Check all projects from: [District 5340] [Torrey Pines (La Jolla) Rotary Club] [Philippe Lamoise]

Proposed Financing

Primary Host Sponsor Rotary Club/District

Rotary Club of Ludhiana Central


Primary International Sponsor Rotary Club/District

Rotary Club of Torrey Pines (La Jolla)


District 5340 DDF


Amount requested from the Rotary Foundation




Status and Progress Information


This project is completed. Project listed for the 2005-06 Rotary Year.

The Matching Grant application number from TRF is #58068.

The TRF Staff in charge of this grant is Stephanie Hansen (

<8-Aug-05> by Philippe Lamoise
Application sent to TRF.

<15-Sep-05> by Philippe Lamoise
Inquiry to Stephanie Hansen. She replied that it would take 2 more weeks to be reviewed, and if complete, 2 additional week for Trustee decision. This would be Oct 15 approval at the earliest.

<13-Oct-05> by Dan Gensler
Received from Stephanie Hansen: Your application MG58068 has undergone review, and only one item is needed to forward your application for Trustee decision. According to TRF records, the 2005-2006 club president of RC Ludhiana Central is Harpreet Kharbanda. Please submit a signed letter of support from President Ludhiana at your earliest convenience to expedite processing of your application.

<13-Oct-05> by Philippe Lamoise
Page signed by 2005-06 president faxed to TRF by Harish Singla.

<20-Oct-05> by Philippe Lamoise
TRF Acknowledged receipt of the fax and they are checking the identity of the 2005-06 club president for Ludhiana Central since it does not match their records.

<24-Oct-05> by Philippe Lamoise
DG S.P. Sethi confirmed to TRF that Kailash Gupta is the current president of RC Ludhiana Central.

<22-Nov-05> System Entry
Grant approved by The Rotary Foundation (response to email inquiry).

<18-Dec-05> by Philippe Lamoise
Announcement letter still not received. Reminder email sent to Stephanie Hansen.

<19-Dec-05> by Philippe Lamoise
Announcement Letter received and uploaded to the website.

<29-Jan-06> by Philippe Lamoise
TRF funds expected by mid-Feb. Polio Corrective Surgeries camp scheduled for March 17-19, 2006.

<14-Mar-06> by Philippe Lamoise
Funds are now expected in April. The camp will go forward on March 17-19, 2006. The cost will be covered by the Vivekanand Hospital, and paid back after the funds are received from TRF.

<25-Jun-06> by Philippe Lamoise
The patients got the plasters opened on june 8. The leftover money from this project ($8,000 to $9,000) will be used for another camp in September. The project will remain open until then.

<7-Sep-06> by Philippe Lamoise
Interim report accepted by TRF. The next report is due by 31-May-07.

<23-Dec-06> by Harish
We have received permission from Julia Clark Matching grant coordinator for buying beds for The Emergency ward of a charitable hospital from the remaining funds and thus we can complete the project by January end. A final report will be submitted by then to TRF.

<18-May-07> System Entry
Grant status changed to "Completed".