This project is completed. Project listed for the 2006-07 Rotary Year. The Matching Grant application number from TRF is #61939. The TRF Staff in charge of this grant is Julia Clark (
<12-Dec-06> System Entry
Creation of project page.
<22-Dec-06> System Entry
Pledge of $2,167 by Manny Sethi of the Rotary Club of Gold Coast Lake Sucess, District 7250.
<27-Dec-06> by Philippe Lamoise
Signature pages received from India.
<30-Dec-06> System Entry
Grant paperwork sent to The Rotary Foundation.
<16-Feb-07> System Entry
Grant approved by The Rotary Foundation.
<4-May-07> by Brennan Pate
TRF wrote: grant was approved on 8 February 2007. In order for payment they must receive:
-Agreement Form signed by President of RC Ludhiana Central and another signed by President of RC Torrey Pines (La Jolla)
-Payee Information Form with the project account information from RC Ludhiana Central
-US$1,500 contribution from RC Ludhiana Central
-US$2,167 contribution from RC Gold Coast Lake Success
-US$1,334 contribution from RC Torrey Pines (La Jolla)
<13-Jun-07> by Philippe Lamoise
Signed agreement from Torrey Pines sent to TRF.
<25-Jun-07> by Philippe Lamoise
$1,334 Contribution from Torrey Pines sent to TRF.
<27-Aug-07> by Philippe Lamoise
$2,167 contribution from Gold Coast Lake Sucess moved into the Torrey Pines (La Jolla) club contribution since the contribution from Gold Coast Lake Sucess was never received.
<18-Sep-07> by Philippe Lamoise
TRF confirmed they received the contribution from Gold Coast Lake Sucess, and that the project has been forwarded for payment. Gold Coast Lake Sucess has been added back onto the project page.
<22-Feb-08> by Harish
The Final Report has been submitted to TRF after the project was dedicated to Public on Feb, 17,2008 by District Governor Rtn.Dr.SPS Grover
<18-Mar-08> by Brennan Pate
Roy John wrote that the audit for the project was completed by a club member involved in the project and therefore does not meet RI's rule for audit's being performed by a non-involved/third party.
<19-Mar-08> by Philippe Lamoise
Harish Singla replied that the auditor of the project is a non-Rotarian with the same name as a member of the club.
<20-Mar-08> System Entry
Grant status changed to "Completed".