




   South Africa - Empamgeni

Thuthukani Special School


This is a project of the Rotary Club of Empangeni, District 9270.

The purpose of this project is to provide Skills Development Cources for mentally handicapped learners {primary and secondary education learners}.


Thuthukani's mission is to uplift the quality of the intellectually impaired children of Zululand.


Thuthukani's vision is to empower the intellectually impaired children of Zululand to function as active participating members of their local communities.

The Management Team :

1. Marthie Combrinck - Principal

2. Jabu Ndlela - Head of Department (Senior Phase)

3. Nomsa Nene - Head of Department (Intermediate Phase)

4. Thabile Myeni - Head of Department (Junior Phase)

School Governing Body:

1. Mrs J.E. James - Chairperson (Social Work Graduate)

2. Mr B.S. Gilliver - Treasurer (Chartered Accountant)

3. Mrs M. Combrinck - Principal

4. Mr H. Phakisi - Parent

5. Mrs S. Ungerer - Parent

6. Mrs S. Joubert - Member of Community

7. Mrs M. Lieberberg - Social Worker

8. Mr L.v.d. Merwe - Educator

9. Mrs S.N. Mpungose - School Nurse

10. Mrs J.v. Rooyen - School Financial Secretary

Renier Botha & Associates (Reg.No. 942820) audits Thuthukani Special School’s financial statements on a yearly basis. These Audit Trials are available for perusal on request.

The school fees are R 70.00 per month. The largest percentage of learners come from indigent families and cannot afford this basic fee. Thuthukani management therefore cannot rely on School Fees as the major source of income.

Thuthukani are a Section 21 school and are partly subsidised by the Department of Education.To enable the school to fulfil the need of quality education and special needs of the learners further funds are required each month.

Thuthukani's NPO number is: 023-039-NPO.


Thuthukani Special School is a school for 286 mentally handicapped learners aged 6 –18 years. The school has been in existence for 25 years. The learners come from multicultural, multi-language backgrounds, and often have more than one disability. The curriculum at school focuses on life-skills and functional academic education. The main aim of the school programme is to ensure that the learners leave school as independent as possible, equipped with a good self-esteem and skills to contribute to their communities.

The importance of holistic education cannot be underestimated and the learners get the opportunity to participate in sport, dancing, cultural activities, choirs, gymnastics and more at the school – hereby ensuring social, emotional, motor, and cognitive development at all levels.

A huge problem facing South Africans and especially the disabled community in South Africa is the lack of work opportunities. More than 90% of Thuthukani’s learners will not be able to work in the open labour market. Practical skills training is therefore very important to ensure a school/job link which will lead to work opportunities in their communities.

The following skills-related projects are proposed to ensure job creation and empowerment of the disabled children in their communities:

1.Training as Domestic Workers

The School has a home situated on the property where selected senior learners could be trained as domestic workers. Thuthukani Management under the guiudance of the Department of Labour and the relevant Seta’s will ensure that training is performed at the required National level which will enable some learners to be employed in the open labour market.A Scholarship of R 3 200.00 per learner is required to cover tuition fees for this project. Twenty learners will be able benefit from this program per annum.

2.Sewing of School Uniforms

The School currently has a small sewing room with one sewing machine available. Ten more sewing machines and fabric are required. This will create the opportunity for 10 learners to learn the art of simple dress making. There is a two fold purpose. Firsty learners attending school can have their school uniforms made for them at a minimal cost. Secondly learners involved in this project will be assisted to link up with dressmakers in their local communities in order to have an opportunity to continue dress making in a sheltered work environment. The project involves the purchase of ten sewing machines at a cost of R25000.00 and a Scholarship of R3200.00 per learner is required to cover the cost of tuition.

3.Gardening Project

Each Intermediate and Senior class in the school have their own vegetable garden patch. The School wishes to enlarge this project in order for selected learners to be equiped with vegetable farming skills.The School will benefit in terms of receiving vegetables for the school feeding programme and the learners will receive intensive training to ensure the carry over of skills into their communities.The guidenance of a local Agrculture College will be obtained to ensure sustainability of the project. The project involves the purchasing of gardening equipment at a cost of R10000.00 and a Scholarship of R4300.00 per learner is required to cover tuition fees.

Time frame and sustainability

All of the above projects can be practically implemented by 1 January 2007.

A Thuthukani Supervisor will oversee the needs and development of learners in each project. They will ensure the highest quality of education is maintained in order that the carry over of skills into the communities is achieved.

Learners will be assessed by the school Occupational Therapist to ensure correct placement in the different projects. The Occupational Therapist will also act as Project Manager in order to achieve maximum results with all the projects.

Primary Host Partner in the Project Country

Club: Empamgeni

District: 9270

Primary Contact: Jim Dowe


Check all projects from: [District 9270] [Empamgeni Rotary Club] [Jim Dowe]

Primary International Partner Outside the Project Country

Club: Lansing

District: 6360

Primary Contact: Kurt Guter


Check all projects from: [District 6360] [Lansing Rotary Club] [Kurt Guter]

Proposed Financing

Primary Host Sponsor Rotary Club/District

Rotary Club of Empamgeni


Primary International Sponsor Rotary Club/District

Rotary Club of Lansing


District 6360 DDF


Amount requested from the Rotary Foundation




Status and Progress Information


This project is completed. Project listed for the 2007-08 Rotary Year.

The Matching Grant application number from TRF is #66284.

The TRF Staff in charge of this grant is Frederic Lahaye (

<28-Dec-06> System Entry
Creation of project page.

<9-May-07> by Rob Lindsay-Rea
The Rotary Club of Empangeni Zululand are desperate to get this project up and running. Any funding would be much appreciated.

<28-Jan-08> System Entry
Pledge of $5,000 with $4,812 DDF by Kurt Guter of the Rotary Club of Lansing, District 6360.

<1-Apr-08> System Entry
Grant paperwork sent to The Rotary Foundation.

<5-Mar-08> by Kurt Guter
Application Submitted to RI

<11-Mar-08> by Kurt Guter
Matching Grant Number Received

<22-May-08> by Kurt Guter
On April 11, 2008 I responded to RI questions. I was informed my answers were acceptable and the application has been sent for final review and approval.

<15-Sep-08> by Kurt Guter
The Project was approved on May 20, 2008. Do to a mixup on my part, I did not get all the required paperwork and check to RI until last week. A call with RI this morning confirmed all is in order and the project money would be sent within 2 weeks.

<15-Sep-08> System Entry
Grant approved by The Rotary Foundation.

<19-May-09> by Kurt Guter
A $14,000 payment was made by the Empangeni Rotary Club to the Thuthukani School in Jan, 2009 to meet the schools 2009 budget needs. A balance of about $12,000 remains to fund anticipated 2010 school needs.

<2-Dec-09> by Jim Dowe
An interim report has be submitted to TRF in September 2009 and approved. Next report due November 2010.

<4-Oct-10> by Jim Dowe
The budget for the 2011 academic year (Jan-Dec) is currently being prepared. The remaining funds of the Grant will be allocated in Jan 2011 and then final reports will be submitted. An interim report will be filed shortly.

<10-Nov-10> by Jim Dowe
Nov 2010 - Interim Report for the period Sept '09 to Sep '10 has been submitted to RI and has been accepted as complete. Next report due Oct 2011 or on completion.

<22-May-11> by J Dowe
The first allocation of R56,000 for the 2011 school year has been made. A cost and budget review meeting has been held with the school Principal and Program Co-ordinator and documents collected. It is anticipated that remainder of the Grant funds will be used by the end of the school year or early in 2012. An Interim Report will be filed in Oct 2011 if the funds are not depleted by then.

<28-Oct-11> by J Dowe
The Interim Report due Oct 2011 has been submitted to TRF - now awaiting approval. Copy of report also sent to K Guter and District Foundation Chair.

<28-Oct-11> by J Dowe
The interim report submitted on 28 Oct 2011 has been accepted by TRF. Next report due Oct 2012.

<2-Jul-12> System Entry
Grant status changed to "Completed".