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   India - Hamirpur (Himachal)

Haemodialysis Centre


Rotary Club Hamirpur proposes to set up a Haemodialysis Centre at Village Dimmi, Distt. Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh).

Hamirpur revenue district is a hilly region situated in the foothills of Himalayas. People are poor engaged in agriculture. Economy is agriculture based. Young males either join army or go to bigger cities for livelihood. Per capita income is about US$ 500 per annum. Total population is about 3.9 million. Urban Population is more than 40000. Main urban areas are Hamirpur, Nadaun, Bhota, Barsar, Bhoranj and Sujanpur. Near by revenue districts are Kangra, Bilaspur, Una, Mandi, Chamba & Kullu.

There is no dialysis facility in any of the hospitals in and around the Hamirpur district and the patients have to cover a distance of more than 200 km.

If this project is started at Hamirpur it will not only be used by the people of Hamirpur but surrounding districts of Hamirpur covering a population of more than 1.5 million will be benefited.

Funds for this project in the US have been raised through the efforts of the NIT Hamirpur Alumni Association.

Primary Host Partner in the Project Country

Club: Hamirpur

District: 3070

Primary Contact: Rtn. Pankaj Lakhanpal


Check all projects from: [District 3070] [Hamirpur Rotary Club] [Rtn. Pankaj Lakhanpal]

Primary International Partner Outside the Project Country

Club: Torrey Pines (La Jolla)

District: 5340

Primary Contact: Philippe Lamoise


Check all projects from: [District 5340] [Torrey Pines (La Jolla) Rotary Club] [Philippe Lamoise]

Proposed Financing

Primary Host Sponsor Rotary Club/District

Rotary Club of Hamirpur


District 3070 DDF


Primary International Sponsor Rotary Club/District

Rotary Club of Torrey Pines (La Jolla)


District 5340 DDF


Amount requested from the Rotary Foundation




Status and Progress Information


This project is completed. Project listed for the 2008-09 Rotary Year.

The Matching Grant application number from TRF is #68459.

The TRF Staff in charge of this grant is Samuel Rienstra (

This dialysis centre will be established by Rotary Club Hamirpur is association with Parwati Sir Ganga Ram Society (NGO). This society is already running a charitable hospital at Village Dimmi, Distt Hamirpur. This dialysis centre will be a self-sustaining project.

<1-Sep-07> System Entry
Creation of project page.

<17-Sep-08> by Philippe Lamoise
Signatures from Torrey Pines collected. Grant application uploaded.

<14-Oct-08> by Philippe Lamoise
Grant forwarded for processing to District 5340 DGSC.

<20-Oct-08> System Entry
Grant paperwork sent to The Rotary Foundation.

<23-Oct-08> by Philippe Lamoise
Application delayed because of missing final report from Torrey Pines for project D-595 #62658.

<23-Oct-08> by Susan Thorning
This request cannot be processed until an acceptable progress or final report is received for the following grant(s): MG 62658

<14-Nov-08> System Entry
Grant paperwork sent to The Rotary Foundation.

<31-Dec-08> System Entry
Grant approved by The Rotary Foundation.

<2-Jan-09> by Philippe Lamoise
Signed agreement from Torrey Pines sent to TRF and uploaded on the website.

<14-Mar-09> by Philippe Lamoise
$4,067 contribution from Torrey Pines sent to TRF.

<16-Mar-09> by Pankaj
Contribution of US$5,000 from Rotary Club Hamirpur (RID 3070) was sent to TRF.

<27-Mar-09> by Philippe Lamoise
The project has been forwarded for payment by TRF. Funds should be expected in 4-6 weeks.

<13-Aug-09> System Entry
Grant status changed to "Completed".

<13-Aug-09> by Pankaj Lakhanpal
Rotary club Hamirpur received the funds from The Rotary Foundation. Two dialysis machines were installed and inaugurated on 25th July, 2009 at Parvati Hospital, at Village Dimmi, Distt. Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh). Patients from nearby districts are also coming for dialysis. Dialysis iS being carried out at No Cost No profit Basis. About 3-4 dialysis are being carried out daily. Patients are highly satisfied and thankful for this facility.
Members of RC Hamirpur are also highly thankful to The Rotary Foundation, Memers of RC Torrey Pines (La Jolla), RID 5340 in general and PDG Philippe Lamoise in particular.

<8-Oct-09> by Susan Thorning
District report dated October 8, 2009 does not show that a report has been submitted to the Rotary Foundation for this project.

<23-Oct-09> by Susan Thorning
TRF staff has requested clarifications before your reporting requirements will be accepted as complete. Until this information is received, No new applications can be accepted or approved from either club:
* TRF Narrative Report with signature of current club President Rtn. Anil K. Kapil.
* Number of Rotarians from the international partner club who participated in the development and support of the project? Should be at least 3 due to committee structure for planning, implementation, communication, and reporting.
* Original hard copy of Utilization Certificate along with Statement of Receipt and Payment for grant amount certified by Chartered Accountant (provide membership number)
* Revise documents to read "GRANT NO. 0968459 OF ROTARY CLUB DIALYSIS PROJECT A/C MG-68459, DISTRICT HAMIRPUR";
* Clarification for the electrical equipment expenses purchased vide Bill #3629 of Rs. 9,465.00
Items may be emailed to

<10-Nov-09> by Philippe Lamoise
Closure letter received from TRF.

<10-Nov-09> System Entry
Grant status changed to "Completed".

Web site design by Philippe Lamoise, D2G
Pages, pictures and video on this site © Philippe Lamoise 2001, 2005
This website is a private initiative by Rotarian Philippe Lamoise, Torrey Pines Rotary Club, District 5340, to help the clubs and districts worldwide to do matching grants with The Rotary Foundation.